Containment Barrel

Software: Blender and Marmoset Toolbag

This is a model that I originally created in Modo back in 2016, but recently I decided to recreate it in Blender and give it a new paintjob in Marmoset Toolbag. If you don’t recognize it, it’s the military containment barrel from the movie Return of the Living Dead. Due to a delivery error, these barrels wound up in the basement of the Uneeda medical supply warehouse. The barrels contained a toxic gas called Trioxin as well as a corpse which the warehouse foreman Frank released when he hit the side of the barrel to show his new employee Freddy how secure it was. Big mistake.


The detail!! And the model looks so clean. Well done! :+1:

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@LMalachi Thank you!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you! Have a great weekend!

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