Controllers error: rigging

May I know why are these 2 controllers not working?

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Do you have the arm set to IK?

If that’s not it, you may want to share the file. It’s very difficult to diagnose rigging issues from a single screenshot.

here’s the file.

The green ones are FK controls. They do work, but in case you don’t see the mesh follow the FK control’s movement, then you’re still in IK mode.

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Thank you for your response. I am totally new with rigging here, may I know what is FK and IK? How do you interchange this mode?

Ik is Inverse Kinematics (What your rig is in) in this case it means, basically, you move the arm by moving the hand, the motions travels backwards along the chain of bones.

FK is Forward Kinematics, the motion travels forward along the chain of bones, in this case, you rotate the upper arm bone and the lower arm bone and hand follow.

You can change it in this tab (Select the red arrow at the top of the arm to get it).

This explanation may be a little clearer than mine.