controlling object visibility

Hi Guys, long time no see
I want to start rigging again on blender,
and i hope i can release “yagapayanata rig v.2.0” later,
i’ve got some question,
how to control the visibility of object, so i can constraint to some controller,
like in maya there’s an attribute of “visibility on off”
or is there some expression to do that?
Thanks !


You can toggle an object visibility/renderabiity off/on in the outliner window or just move to an invisible layer

yeah, i meant, can i connect them to some controller, by constraining or some expression,
for exp, when i swich my ik-fk controller, when it become ik, the fk controllers is hidden.

In the outliner view panel, you can right click on the eye icon and select “add driver”. That should do it.

woaa!! thank’s a lot!!