Convergence, Part II, first scenes

After getting the basics of Blender 2.46, I have now leaped into the continued work on my movie draft. For those who do not know, Convergence is a movie bringing a range of sci-fi, fantasy and horror favorites together in one big fight. Part I saw the madness begin with Terminators rushing through the Stargate with Jedis coming from (Stargate) Atlantis and John Connor time-jumping in with Captain Power to stop them. These first few shots of Part II has the X-men and the 4400 getting involved.

It is also important for me to reiterate that my purpose with this work is to raise my abilities and tools as the movie progresses. Part I starts out in really, really bad quality and goes to something… less bad at the end. Part II starts with what I would judge acceptable amateur quality. Hopefully, it will end somewhere around low-budget 90s Saturday morning cartoon :slight_smile:

For direct viewing: Part II first scenes (and Part I)

Feel free to comment, knowing that it is nowhere near actual quality :slight_smile:

EDIT: Current significant problems are some difficulties with Actions causing jerky animation, and a serious problem with audio. Dialogue seems to become dull and mumbled after editing, and I am looking for solutions at the moment. Plus I am completely new to using the whole hair thing :slight_smile:

Edit: Wolverine, Xavier and Shawn!


Just a few crits, the man in the wheelchair… he has pink finger nails?

They look really good, BTW, but maybe a bit to smooth, if you know what I mean?

Thanks, and yeah, his nails are too red for his skin. I’ll fix that. The smoothness is a bigger problem, and will probably require me to get friendly with the new UV system. REAL friendly :slight_smile:

Edit: Huh. Lots of people watching it, nobody commenting. You folks shy…?

Second scene is up and running, an interrogation scene little over a minute long. Humans are starting to work much better, though there are still some hard edges in the body movements.

Still hoping for comments…

It’s a bit hard to give detailed comments at the moment, because (I presume) it’s still in animatic stage.

In the first video (part II, first scenes), I think it’s pointless having the wolverine dude (sorry I’m not familiar with X-men, so I don’t know the character names :p) watch the tv and then walk over to another room with the tv. I think you can just cut out that first part and start with him with that other guy watching the news story.
Also I think you need to start with a shot that establishes that they are both in the same room – like perhaps as wolverine dude walks through the door you see the other guy over his shoulder or something…

For the Part II (scene 2) video, the introductory shot is nice (maybe speed up the camera move slightly), but I feel it’s held for too long. A good place to cut to a close up on his face would be once he’s finished saying “I’ve told you twice already”. Other shots were done quite nicely, but I’d say more camera movement is needed for example at about 32s, it would be nice for the camera to move closer to the interrogator.

That’s all I can think of for now :wink:

Are the voices computer synthesized or something? Because it would be cool if you could record better voices, it’s a bit dull at the moment…

Keep it up!

I know, I am mainly looking for some kind of acknowledgement that people actually watch it. It gets good ratings and fair number of views at Metacafe, but that doesn’t show that people care :slight_smile: I was mainly hoping for some “Awesome, dude” (or “Awful, dude”) responses. Yours is very detailed, and will be of great use both when I get back to redoing the scene, and for considerations when doing future scenes, so thanks a bundle!

As for the voices, they are not synthetic, but they seem to get dull when I put them through some filters. I will be looking into it this coming week!