Convert Attribute "Col" to "vertex Color" for Point cloud rendered .ply ( in Redshift Blender)

Hi all, I have a problem.

I’m trying to convert the “col” attribute from a .ply point cloud in Blender to a render in Redshift in Blender. Redshift seems to read the Vertex Attribute thanks to a node in its shading node. But when I try to convert the pass to vertex color, the material is deleted.

I’m using Blender version 3.1 and 3.4, I use the IMPORT PLY addon “vertex color only”)

I create a geometrynode node with which I instantiate a mesh to point.

Everything works perfectly under Cycle (rendering can only be done under cycle) but under Redshift not, do you have an idea?


Welcome :tada:

Difficult to say if someoen doesn’t have Redshift… :wink: … But i guess this: help.maxon r3d blender vertex color should be used in any way ? And i may understand how you will do this for cycles… ( propagating the attribute to the shader etc…) but:

…then the vertex color data has still to be transfered to any Redshift shader… i guess… ? But you wrote nothign about that…