Convert curve to curves

I am trying to do hair curves that follows the shape of a mesh. Seeing there’s a way to “convert to curves”, I thought it would be quicker to draw the curves as normal “curve” objects on the surface of the mesh, and then convert them to hair curves. However, when trying to convert them, it tells me “Object ‘BezierCurve’ has no evaluated curves data”. Is there a way to give curves data to normal curves so I can convert, or is this feature only when converting curves back to forth?
Thank you :slight_smile:

Regular curves should convert to hair curves without issues…
unless you have Geometry settings - i.e. a Bevel/Taper object, etc.

To fix, get rid of any Geometry settings:
…i.e. everything should be 0 m like above.

Hope that helped.

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thank you, actually it was because of a mirror modifier :slight_smile:

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Yes, that’s correct… any modifier does an implicit conversion to mesh - a workaround for that is to apply the modifier and you should be able to convert to curves.

Good luck!

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