Converting/baking simulation to shape keys - how?

I need to bake simulation into shape keys, so I could export it into a game engine. In particular I am wondering about rigid/soft bodies, cloth and ocean sims.
Is it possible to bake it into shape keys in Blender 3.4.1 and if so, how can I do that ?

In the Cloth modifier you can click on the down arrow and choose Save As Shapekeys for example, so if you create several shapekeys it will interpolate between them:


Ahh, thanks. Seems easy enough. What about ocean sim ?

I don’t know why they haven’t implemented the Save As Shapekeys, what you could do though is duplicate your plane, let’s say the 2 planes are called A and B, apply the Ocean modifier for both the 2 copies (at 2 different frames so that they are different), create a shapekey for A, select B, shift select A and on the right of shapekey list click on the down arrow > Join as Shapes. Now you have 2 shapekeys that you can keyframe

This is an interesting approach:

Oh yes I guess it’s about the same as what I proposed