-Here, I have converted a NURBS curve that I have manipulated
into a mesh, and joined it with a place mesh, and given them
a diffuse material with a purple colour.
-When I convert a NURBS curve to a mesh, does each mesh square
section have real curvature, or is it only a direct, straight line between
all vertices, being an approximation only?
-In Blender 2.72, where is the set background image from file area?
Created from scratch or converted from curve, a mesh is still the same thing: vertices linked by flat edges that form flat faces (except for non-flat polygons). It is the subdivision and the shading that gives the feeling of a curvature.
The Background image box is in the right panel of the 3D view window. Check “Background image”, clic “add image” and “open”.
The Background image box is in the right panel of the 3D view window. Check “Background image”, clic “add image” and “open”.
-I have done this with a *.jpg image. However, I can’t get the image to appear in my render. How do I fix that?
Created from scratch or converted from curve, a mesh is still the same thing: vertices linked by flat edges that form flat faces
-I notice that there a mid surface normals on my mesh (converted from a curved NURBS). Is the apparent continuous curve on my render image a result of high quality shading, or does the <f12>
renderer take mid mesh normals into accoount to generate a real curve in memory, or not?
-I have done this with a *.jpg image. However, I can’t get the image to appear in my render. How do I fix that?
The background option is to add reference images to aid in modelling, not for rendering. To add to a rendering add a texture to the world or to a background plane or use the compositor to add a background image
Depends on what image are you going to use - not distorted, flat, like photo, equirectangular image or spherical one (last two usually so called High Dynamic Range Images).
Flat photo - i’d suggest using image mapped on plane and adjusted to fit the camera view. Could use wide panorama image mapped on the Cylinder e.g.
Two with spherical distortions - Click on World panel at first and then on Texture panel where you add your image and set the influence - Blender will use this texture for the World then. This was for BI renderer setup.
If use Cycles nodes this will be Image texture going to Background Color input and using appropriate Mapping or Environment texture.
I know how to set a texture file on a plane. It’s the general background image
“behind everything” that I don’t understand how to enable for my render.
I’ve gone to Texture\Image and selected my file.
Click on World panel at first and then on Texture panel where you add your image and set the influence
Where in Blender 2.72 do I “set the influence” to enable it?
The “general background image” will not be rendered. It only appears in orthographic view when you choose the corresponding orientation. It is used for modelling over a reference image, not for rendering.
It you want to introduce a background to your render you could 1) use a HDRI texture (which can also create a realistic lighting) or 2) render your scene over transparent background and then introduce the background at compositing.
is close, but not quite it. I don’t want my image on a plane,
but a general, non-descript background, jpg image file
which is a flat background no matter where the camera turns.
Can you link a file from some website e.g. while you work on it (use it) in photo editor?
If you mean using URI to determine location of image - no, you need to enter file name and location on the local HD. Drag and drop functionality also is available only over local resources.
-I have got the settings done the way they should, according to my image file,
to Just have a universal, view from everywhere, default background.
I see how you can have the file externally, or written within a *.blend file.
However, when I fress <f12>, my render simply won’t put it in.
What am I missing out to enable it for rendering?
Settings you have shown relate to modeling aid images which never get into the final render.
Image files, their locations are listed/registered in blender and image file itself can be saved-packed in the .blend file. Yes, in that regard, it’s internal image then.
What you want likely is image which is set to be influencing World settings. If image is set as a World texture it is rendered. You could use Cylinder or Sphere with texture mapped on as your background also.