From this site:
Example: Truncated Icosahedron
I’ve gone in and converted the tris to quads and am still left going in, selecting faces
and converting them to quads.
Is there a simple way to select ALL and convert to quads?
Or an addon that might help?
Figured out how to create in Blender, using Math Function “Solids”, Icosahedron and Truncating the Vertices.
Fewer Faces. Same problem.
Figured it out.
Limited Dissolve is my friend.
show us a topology screenshot. Limited Dissolve will rarely give a good resoult. so we might give you some tips 
If you intend to do it very quick and on the dirty tris to quads. Add a subserf mod, Keep it at level one. Go to Simple rather then catmull-clark. And then apply it.
This will keep the form of the object intact and will convert it to quads.
If you have ngons and understand this is a YMMV thing that will be dependent on scale of the object you are working with and what you intend to do with it. You can ether do a straight subsurf as said before. Or select all and convert to tris then do another subsurf. Myself I have found the latter gives me less artifacts to contend with But at a higher cost of system overhead.
The middle one is with the convert to tris first and the latter one is with just a subsurf.
would it not then just be easier to just W+S? rahter than use a simple 1 lvl sub surface and apply it?
Edit: No im wrong. i thought simple sub surface was the same as subdevide.
Subsurf will convert most anything to quads, subdivide will not convert ngons to quads. But if it works for you then by all means.
ahh i tested it out. cool i thought Simple subsurfacemodifier was the exsact same as subdeviding 
sorry my bad. ur right.
This was the Math Functions Solid - Dodecahedron. At this point, it was not involved or complex. It was just an additional edge on each pentagon. Limited dissolve worked / works fine for that.
Drop a blend or some screenshots?