Copper Coil

I was modeling some springs and I wanted to create something with the technique. So I created the below image of a copper coil wrapping around a metal pipe in a wooden building. I was thinking about creating a tutorial on how to model a spring easily using a curve, would anyone be interested? Anyways hope you like it :slight_smile:

Iā€™d watch.

Great material color very believable.

Very cool. Would love to see a grungy version with like eroded copper textures and bump-mapping. :slight_smile:

@ Anothony - thanks! Ill probably create one soon
@ryan_marble - I like the grungy idea, I just might redo this scene and post it

As promised, here is a tutorial that I created that gos over the technique I use to create spiral meshes using a nurbs curve. Hope it helps!

very cool tut man

Thanks sebastian

Sweet, thanks for the effort.

Thanks Anthony glad you watched it