Copy Animation To Another File With Same Rig

I have 2 models of human characters with the same rig but different models, I created animations in one of these characters and I would like to copy paste all these anims to the other file model which has the same rig, how can I achieve that?

Note, this work is for being exported later to Unreal Engine 4

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Do you mean they are different .blend files? If so, you can just link or append the animations from one file to another(under file menu).

How can I do that, can you be more specific, I never used link or append before

In the blend file you would like to copy to, go to File->Link and browse to the source blend file. Click the Action folder, then select all the animations you want to use and click the Link from Library button. The animations should now be available to use on your rig. With link, changes you make to the original file will be reflected in the other. With append, the new new file gets its own copy of the data.