Copy Cat Ikea

4,5 hrs

The most stuff. Rug is from poliigon. books, baguette and water boiler from chocofur.

Creating the shadows

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it got featured so. community thinks otherwise.

The materials look a bit too clean and also it lacks personality in a sense of, if someone lives there would that person just leave grocerys on the floor?, and cutted bread on the sink top, thats the kind of stuff that dosen’t really make real sense and for a photoreal render that makes a huge difference, also give it some shadow, change the sun because the first image looks too blank, there is no shadow IE no form i don’t know where the wall stops and comes that little cabbinet, that cooktop is too rough too, you can make it 100% reflective and add some grunge and finger prints to it with an alpha map of that (you can find it at polligon or dig around the web), other then these points that i can see it looks great!.

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