Copy Normals Of Multiple Faces?

as you may know this is the output of Alt + N >> Copy Vectors with multiple faces selected…

fiber lining normal map

the goal is, having a given object with bad shading and an exact copy of it with good shading, to workaround copying normal data of each face in the object-copy and paste it on the equivalent face in the original object.

data transfer is made for this work but…

data transfer sometimes just acts up for me for some reason like shown.

and besides it takes longer to set up compared to Alt + N click click…

there was a git addon called TINA that does this but it’s deprecated afaik.

data transfer is my go to to fix any shading issues.
I do encourage you to persist and figure out why it’s acting up on you.
any chance you can share the .blend file?

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sweeper.blend1 (1.0 MB)

i think alt + n copy paste vectors is better if only it could copy vectors of multiple faces bc it’s faster…
but it’s cool

Mapping method “Projected Face Interpolated” seems to be the problem here.
I changed it to “Nearest Corner and Best Matching Face Normal” and it seems to fix the shading.

i actually don’t know what any of these options in the data transfer mean…

but yeah it fixes the problem

but there’s this

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grey_question:

I don’t see any shading issues in the image you sent.
please elaborate.