Copying Objects - easy and fast


I have a question. I would like to ask you how to copy objects to achieve, for example, 1000 tanks in a group. I mean if I can specify somewhere just a number and maybe a spacing or a transformation into a square for example.

Isn’t there any add-on for that? I read something about that it can be done with Array Modifier but I can’t do it for sketchfab models. Anyone can help?

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The array modifier or geometry nodes can do this easily. Can you explain what you mean when you say you can’t do it for sketchfab models? If the model is in Blender, it doesn’t matter where it came from.


What I mean is that ARRAY MODIFIER is available for the cube model, but not for the T-10 tank model. Is it possible that I can find it somewhere else?

My goal is to achieve something like this :slight_smile:

Maybe Geometry nodes like you said :slight_smile:

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It looks like the tank is a hierarchy. If you expand the tank object you should see that it is made up of many parts. If you join these parts with Ctrl+J you will be able to use the array modifier.

If you clicked on the tank in the outliner, you really haven’t selected it yet.

You have to open it up under the empty and select the meshes…

Then you can array them ( you might need to Join the objects together or reset the Origin point if parts get messed up!)

Happy Blending!


omg you’re a god :slight_smile: Thank you so much. So I’m supposed to pick out all the parts of the model?

The twisted Y icon means that the object is an Empty, that is why you can not add modifiers.

My Guess is that the tank is an instance of a collection of objects, (collection instances are bound to an empty.)

If you instance the original collection with Geometry nodes you can add modifiers to it.

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OK. Thanks once again :slight_smile:

I apologize for writing again, but I managed to apply an array modifier to the tank collection but nothing happens after adding it. It’s like it doesn’t respond to my inserted numbers at all.

What I’m doing wrong. If I have something wrong in nodes or there is something missing so I will be glad for advice thank you. I see other people showing this everywhere but they only do it with the cube which is one object as a whole.

My tank is composed of several objects and something is still not working :frowning:

Please see the other thread for solution but note that you can do a lot more with GN:

…e.g. vary position/rotation/etc…

good luck.


The answers others have given you should help you. They use a grid inside the geometry node setup to duplicate the tanks on the grid, instead of array modifiers afterwards.

If you want to use the array modifier (without the grid) you can do it like this:

Here I have a plane with a geometry node modifier and the node setup as shown.
As the geometry nodes output instances you have to realize them for the array modifier to array them.

Here is the file:

Tanks.blend (109.5 KB)

You will run into a HUGE problem, you say that you want 1000 tanks and your tank model in Sketch Fab says it has 500.8K verts. If this is correct then it is 500,800 verts.
Your computer will freeze before you reach 1000 tanks! 1000 tanks would be 500,8 Million verts, even being instanced with the array modifier (or GN) that is way too much.

You will need to find a Low Polly tank model to do this.

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Thank you all so much for helping me. I’ve only been learning blender for about 1 month so I’m just a beginner :slight_smile: Thanks once again :heart::heart::heart:


So these people have low poly models or do they have powerful computers? Or are they doing it in some other program like Unity? Thanks :heart::heart::heart:

From his channel information:

What i use: Unreal Engine 5, Cinema4D, Substance Painter, After Effects, Photoshop…

Unreal is the key. This would certainly kill Blender.

I know I was very impressed with the UE5 but I thought it must be impossible for my laptop and also that it’s already for professional work. So do you think it would be better to create these things in UE5? I mean better options, even for copying objects, working with animations and maybe some post production? :slight_smile:

My PC: Intel(R) Core™ i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz

RAM 16,0 GB


Will my computer be sufficient for these demanding processes?

Are those Coupris Kineema?