Correct procedure to design and print surface structures

Hi Everyone

I am just getting to know Blender. The goal is to design surface structures with Blender, which I can print or mill out at the end. At the end I need a stl.-file which shows the structures in the model. In addition I would like to say that I would like to include photos of structures. So now I know that I have to create them as alphas. Someone told me that I should not do this in the texture shader, because this only simulates the structures but does not reproduce them in the printout. Should I work with brushes or what is the best way to do this? Thanks for your support!

If you mean something like a relief then you have to model this… there some possibilities to make something like that with filters and/or a special app. Like ArtCAM… which is no longer available… oh what a coincidence

IDK if this is what i remembered…

if you can use the displace modifier to do the texture then you can apply it and make it a real mesh

then can be printed

can you show some pic of you texture ?

happy bl

The tip with the Displace Modifier seems to be the right way… I am currently trying it out. Thank you!

Finally, I would like to print or mill something like this, as shown in the picture. I am aware that in the end I will have to do some manual corrections myself, but it makes it much easier if the desired structure is already present in the object.