Correcting proportion of UVs

Noob Q:

I made this simple funnel shape, by using a curve ( only 3 points ) and then ‘screw’.

My problem is, although the faces on the mesh are roughly the same shape, the size of the UV space used for them ranges from sensible to ridiculously small!

Can anyone say, or recommend a tuut for fixing this? ( note, this is not to do with straightening, it’s the proportions that are wrong ).

Thanks :slight_smile:

you could try U > Follow active Quads…?

I did, doesn’t cut it… :grimacing: ( thanks )

No wait… ( fiddles )

Right, it sorts ( mostly ) the problem in Blender, but then when I get into UE4, the UVs are screwed:

Good UVs look like

Hold on, got it.

Follow active quads

followed by

Pack islands

So I see that UE4 expects everything to live on the 0-1 plane…

Thanks anyway yogyog :smiley: