Correcting the z axis

How do you fix the z axis when you’re extruding a BevOb path in the x, y and z planes? I’ve been going by the following tutorial:

(See: “The role played by the local Z axis”)

It explains the problems that can arise when a path moves into the z axis, namely a “kink” develops in your extrusion. I’ve been getting the same “kink”, but I just can’t figure out how to correct the orientation of the z axis in the path to avoid this kinking. Any help appreciated. TIA.


There is no magic button. Some would call it a bug but it’s just a problem with the way that Blender impliments curves. However, if you rotate your mesh ever so slightly then Ctrl-A, after about 15 tries you can get it looking acceptable. Rotate from front, side and top. Be warned that another kink may pop up somewhere else though. If you have a particularly difficult shape and you can only get it almost right before another kink appears, then you can up the DefResol to about 32.

Change it to a mesh with Alt-C and you can put it back where it was before rotating without having to hassle about the Z avis.


Thanks Fligh. My first attempts at making the rotational corrections haven’t gotten all the kinks out, though it’s getting there.

I wonder if this is something that, in future updates, can be fixed in the Blender code?


I tried the basic BevOB tutorial on that website, and all I got was a mess. Some would say it’s a bug indeed…

I wonder if this is something that, in future updates, can be fixed in the Blender code?

All I can tell you is it’s been known since 1.7 at least.


Thanks and Thanks!
