corrective shape key script for 2.5

great to hear the script is updated for 2.55!!! Thanks loolarge

hi Loolarge,
you can read the procedures here:
your script is here on Blender Projects:
Please, request to join here:
so I can give you access to svn so you can update your script properly.
Currently your script is here in svn:
you should check out the entire directory using tortiose or a svn control program.
the directory root is here: & there’s plenty of goodies.
to make sure the script is not mismatched in versioning, please d/l the script from svn first, then do any updates.
often scripts get fixed or updated in svn by script devs.
any questions, get me on irc #blenderpython & I’ll help you through everything.
thanks, btw, once your set up, this script will be moved to release.

Thanks Meta-Androcto, done as told. Please excuse my careless ignorance in the past :wink: This thread should become obsolete now and the script will be bundled with blender from now on (yay :slight_smile: )

There is still a lot of good information in this thread, though. Especially the part about using Ctrl+A to apply the translation in object mode. That still catches me from time to time.

So, i hope it will go to trunk soon, it is not my call.

honestly, it doesnt make sense to me that this isnt already included in the trunk. Heres to some sound minds understanding the importance of such a script and including it in the trunk soon.

Seems that the link of “Corrective_Shape_Key” in Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts is broken

if you try download it from here, you cant :

The right link is


Ladies and gentlemen: It is now officially in trunk (party) :smiley:

I updated the wiki a bit:

The place for creating your temp mesh for editing has changed:

Since 2.61 ‘create duplicate for editing’ isn’t working anymore. Any updates on this?

It’s a great tool when working on multiple blend shapes, I mean shape keys…

@Sago +1
I also can no longer run “create duplicate for editing” on OSX in 2.62 :frowning:

I had problems with this script and 2.62 too (on linux)
I have found the issue and proposed a fix (only one line has to be altered, you can fix it yourself easily)

I have posted the patch here:
(bottom of the page)

thanks fixed in svn :slight_smile:

Hello!, first of all thank you for a really lifesaver! it works reaaly good :slight_smile:

but, may i ask a feature request (i don´t know how to code other wise i´ll try to do it myself)

but, can you make a way that the script gives you the option to store the pose on the poselibrary, and perhaps, going even further, make a driver (or an action?) for the shapekey and the stored pose, that way both can work together??

Hello, I’m trying to use the script in 2.77a.

I have a head mesh on an armature that I edited to make a pointy nose (for a test) as a shape key.
I then exported the shape key as an obj.
I loaded a new blend with the head mesh (sans the pointy nose shape key).
I imported the pointy nose obj.
I selected the pointy nose obj and then the head mesh and used Add corrective pose shape fast.
The new shapekey is created as expected, but the head now moves away from its original position and crumples; it returns correctly when the new shapekey is zeroed out.

I’m not sure if I’m using this incorrectly. I made sure that I selected Keep Vertex Order when I exported and imported the obj.

Can you assist me?

Download link for the script is dead right now. I’ve got a shape key (turning rectangular plane into plain square and then into a sphere) that when in object mode only goes as far as to a cylinder shape, it won’t go back to a sphere unless in edit mode. So can’t use standard create mix so need a script like this to export a mesh from the shape key when in edit mode. Will this old script work to accomplish that? Thanks

Hi, Is there user who still use this add on? I could up-date it for 2.8.
(at least about slow mode (with modifieres and Bone envelopes or dual quaternions)
it have worked correctly, untill there was new up-date for bpy

I almost can confirm this up-date cause my issue.

Of course, 2.8 is beta, and I can not ask developer about it, but hope to up-date this plug in for my purpose. (It really need, when your character is complex one then edit meshes as clean shape key
with keep posing)

This is file of my up-dated version for 2.8. (worked a week ago )

The difficulity is, there seems no way to copy another mesh vertex positoin as new shape key, for the mesh which already posed and modified by other modifier.

I can not understand all meaning of this add on function (def add corrective shape (slow mode))
but after bpy up-date, now it generate zero morph shape key = base shape data only.

I only suspecct, the third tweak of BF commit seems break it.

  • Passing evaluated object will ignore apply_modifiers argument, and the result always contains all modifiers applied. The result mesh will point to an evaluated datablocks. For example, materials will be an evaluated IDs from the dependency graph.

Anyway really apreciate, if some python developer help me, or if someone know other add on which can do same thing for current 2.8, I really hope to know (or buy if I need) the add on. (13.7 KB)

there are 3 main function, then about
“def func_object_duplicate_flatten_modifiers(context, obj):”
still work as same as before.

then only 92 to 172 line, main function code is matter.
(about fast mode, I may not use it, then not test them) (13.6 KB)

Thanks I could up-date again for recent 2.8 beta build
(At current it only work with slow mode, I may check fast mode, if I need,
but slow mode is main purpose for this plug in.)

Anyway if someone hope to test, try it please. I know I can clean-up more, but respect original code. (or I can not never make this by my-sefl)

And I think ,this plug in can imporve , to work when mesh have other shape keys with value, plug in generate new shape key which removed these delta.

At current (and original) when generate shape key, other shape key values are applied again. so the mesh shape is not same as edit one… to get same shape, use pin shape key, or re-make shape key with use mix -shape again. it is not so flexible, I feel.