Hey guys,
Just wanted to share this latest corridor. It’s constructed using Collection Instances in 2.8, which I’m really starting to like a lot!
I’ve also simplified it greatly by using non-destructive techniques for the custom work, and KIT OPS INSERTs to add the details and some large shaping. I’ll show you what I mean.
First, some of the finished shots. All done in EEVEE.
Here are some wires to help explain things…
Here’s 1/8 of the corridor, plus the end cap:
And here are the 3 basic KIT OPS cutter INSERTs that shape the 1/8 module. Note the 5 edge wire which is selected is the creator object for the corridor walls, floors and ceiling.
And here are the added KIT OPS INSERTs which make up the rest of the scene. The small squares are decals.