Corsair duel 120mm fan intel heat sink OLD MODEL FROM WORK

Well with the popularity of Computer fans and such I am deciding to post my little project I did my first week at Res3D in Anchorage, AK.

My first day my boss handed me this giant corsair heat sink and asked me if I could model it. So I pulled out my digital caliper and started measuring away and taking notes. And since it was my first day my boss let me use my native program of choice for the task… Blender naturally.

So after about a week of collective work, it was finished and rendered quickly in BI. My boss was quite impressed and that’s how I landed my job there with no collage to be had.

So, when it came to the model. Everything was poly modeled, and barely any modifiers were used. A mirror here or there to help with the symmetric pieces but that’s the extent.

Feel free to crit and comment or ask questions. All I know is that I learned quite a bit while modeling this guy out. It was quite fun. Even working from exact measurements.

And for those quick to reply I am going to grab a few screen grabs and collect more on this.

Also feel free to visit and you can find my model there as well. Rendered in Vray… which i think looks eh… but thats me. And I can also link a video my co worker made of the model in VRML.


Dont forget to double tap the render above for full res. And yes the top blade of the heat sink is also fully poly modeled by hand to scale. No UVs.


Because there is only 3 attachments per post. Enjoy.

Well done ! Are the images attached renders or screen grabs ?

Nice work. :slight_smile: If you add some textures for the plastic parts that would make it more realistic.

yeah and much more samples

Hey guys and thanks for the comments. The render you see there was actually just for some texture baking for a vrml file we wanted to for the texture for the plastics I probably will do something about that when I get a better computer considering my laptop struggles to work with this guy. But I didn’t model it for rendering, It was more or less to show my modeling skill and also to be able to 3d print from. As my boss puts it, I am a modeler… Lmao. I tried telling him I was good at other things too. Haha. Oh and those wires were rendered OpenGL workspaces in blender. And if I can dig out my paper notes I took while modeling this with all of the measurements I will post them too.

Thanks again guys.