Corydoras in blackwater

Glancing at my aquarium, I started modelling my favorite goofballs with no specific goal in mind.
I tried to make them close to anatomically correct, but I gave myself artistic freedom with the colors. There are so many variations of Corydoras, who’s to say what’s right and wrong?

When the model was mostly completed, I decided to depict them in their natural habitat rather than in a fish tank. Cories originate from the blackwater rivers of South America, where they shoal in groups and sift through the sand at the bottom of the river. The tannins released from decaying leaves and wood color the water like tea. Neon Tetras provide some details to the background.
I tried to make the lighting convey a sense of comfort and safety at the bottom (where cories dwell), while the surface looks distant and menacing, somewhat contrary to how humans often perceive dark water.

I had some technical issues rendering the volume, so shoutout to oo_1942 and goorman for helping me troubleshoot in the forum!


Solo cory:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Cheers! =)

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