Could this help blender for OpenGL on macOS?

The problem is not MacOS, Apple already killed what was almost dead. Since the release of Vulkan , devs have been moving to it in droves.

Just visit KHRONOS website, which the board behind OpenGL and Vulkan. Good luck finding a recent tutorial or lecture on OpenGL the past 2 years. People also don’t realize that behind Vulkan is also Apple which is still a board member. Vulkan is far more difficult to use but the bottom line is that it can outpeform by even a dozen times.

Moving Blender to Vulkan will not be easy or simple. OpenGL code is sprayed all over its code base.In then end however its inevitable this is the way Blender will have to go not only on MacOS but every single platform it supports if it wants to keep playing with the boys.

The good news is that Blender goes towards the right direction by putting ephasis on its funding mechanisms. Ton’s goal of 50k per month to afford 10 devs full time is not that far away. With this manpower Blender will be able to easily transition not only to Vulkan but many more technologies needed to keep it on the cutting edge and keep performance comparable to other 3d apps.

Do middle libraries help ? No they dont, because they come with a big performance cost and performance is a must have for Blender. Blender developers already consider the Vulkan transition a long term goal. It wont happen any time soon but it is going to happen cause they know how important it is. Depending on the funding it will happen sooner or later.

However for now and the next couple of years Blender is super busy with 2.8 and providing stable releases and bringing in the rest of the ambitious features in the making. So for now Vulkan is a distant dream.

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You never know, sometimes wrappers can be fairly light-weight. Emulating OpenGL on top of Vulkan on top of Metal does not sound appealing though. Time will tell, Blender is certainly not the only one who’s stuck with a large OpenGL code base on macOS.

this is a driver that is part of mesa not a generic wraper.
the plan is in the futere linux devs can just make new drivers vulcan only
and get Open GL for free using Zink

short answer no you can’t install it on macos :frowning: