I’m having trouble figuring this one out on my own, I’m very new to this. I’m trying to model a 1911 pistol, but I’m getting stuck. I was hoping someone could make a little tutorial to show me how to model a part.
If you’re interested, check out the following link:
The part I’m trying to model is on page 5, the slide stop plunger. I’m getting stuck on the radius and cone at the one end.
I would really appreciate any help, I have most of the pin done, it’s just the end I can’t get.
It depends how detailed you want it to be.
One way, a non accurate model attached, is to make a curve spline to make the profile (position control points as per the object dimensions), then add a screw modifier to make a 3d object. Use Alt+C to convert to a mesh object.
Alternatively model as a mesh either starting with a hemisphere for the left side and extrude to make the remainder.
spline.blend (224 KB)
Let’s say I wanted to create the cone shape at the end of the plunger as a mesh object. I could create a cone and define the radius of either end, but I can’t see a way to specify the included angle. The only other way I can think of to get the shape is to know the depth, but the drawing doesn’t show that dimension, and I can’t see how to calculate it from the drawing. Can you think of a way to do that without using 2D control points?