Cowboy Bebop Jupiter Jazz fanart

Hey guys! Here is my latest little project - recreation of shot from Cowboy Bebop Jupiter Jazz part I, tried to achieve original anime feel using only Blender and Photoshop for textures - hope you like it, c&c appreciated!

You can check animations and more shots on my artstation/youtube


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


A really nice work!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

This is so awesome!
So the line art, is that a HBO with the rest just painted in on the textures? It looks so much like its hand drawn!

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wow how did you make that background look cartoonish ?

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I made render of each object or group of objects from final camera view, later on I hand painted each element and reprojected textures from camera view back - materials are pretty simple just put roughness to 1 and specular to 0 so that there are no 3d’ish reflections :wink:

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sorry if I take advantage and ask more, is there anything close to the “roughness” in blender 2.7 ? also how to reproject textures ? sorry I’m kinda noob.

Wonderful work. The textures are SO good.

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very cool piece

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Really nice, like it a lot. I think you nailed the style of some anime. The first that comes to my mind is Wolf Brigade.
In my opinion thou, the magic ends the moment you animate anything like this. The viewer clearly catches the 3D nature of whatever is on screen and the beautyness of that 2d feel is lost.
Very few cartoon had success into the 2d-3d merge, one of them being the last Peanuts movie.
I’m not sure that the anime style can go through the same kind of visual translation.
But again and anyway, great job!


Excellent work and style! I really love how you managed to give it this anime style and texture. This piece is one of my favorite. Well done!

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This is amazing, lovely shading work there!

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