Cowboys & Dinosaurs

Characters modeled in Blender, textures made in Gimp and background designed in Krita.

The characters are modeled in 3D, use shader cartoon and the outline tool. I added some details with Grease Pencil. The drawing style of the cowboy was inspired by Moebius and other authors on comics from the 70s.


I love it


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you very much. I feel very lucky

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

I am very grateful to you. It is a very big push to continue creating

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Hi everyone,

Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article for this brilliant artwork!

Do check out this article, written by the artist himself. It describes the step-by-step process of creating the artwork and provides insight into scene-designing in Blender.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn

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