Cracked Egg

i know the egg white parts need fixing on being accurate :sweat_smile:


No, the egg white is just fine, yellow part is perhaps somewhat “mushy” instead of solid ball.

Are you going to fry it or make eggnog? :grinning:

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I actually think the egg white looks fine, it’s rather the edge of the egg shell “thickness” looks too rounded, and makes it look rubbery. You could try setting the “creasing” on the edges, and adding the solidify modifier after the subdiv.

That being said, it’s well done (pun intended), food is such a fun topic for creativity. The challenge of chaos within order, how to deal with large quantities of elements, etc.


thanks i do see the eggshells look a bit rubbery but thanks for the feedback :people_hugging:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!