Cracked Head

How I missed this?
Oh my.
excellent work!

Thank you very much Michalis!

Pretty decent, actually.


Awesome! Nice work!

Thank you julperado, I’m glad you like it!


Superb! I love this one. Great likeness, really nailed it. The materials and lighting are good too. I disagree with Nachman the comment about the tree - it looks just right to me, it provides the sense of scale.

What is the knife project tool? Is that just the knife tool, or something I don’t know about? I need to make a couple of cracks in my current model and I was intending to use the knife tool. I will try out your other suggestions.

I also had a little chuckle at the political comments. I will stay out of that. :slight_smile:

Thank you Blender Matt for your compliments and comments, you sustain me about some choices.

You can find the Knife Project tool in the tool palette near the Knife tool, with it you can cut the mesh using another object, which is projected over it along the active view.
You first select the ‘cutter’ object, then the object you want to cut and enter edit mode; now you can run Knife Project.

In my case I drew a jagged polygonal line in front of the head in the proper view, just where the head should have been cracked, than I did a knife project.


However, you could use a more rocky, eroded and bumpy texture.

Yes Michalis, I should have used some, it was that looking at photos I found those rocks quite flat and levigated, that’s why, but I agree.


Thanks, I’ve added a note to my to-do list so I will have a go at this when I get to part that requires it :slight_smile:

Very well done! I don’t agree with the comment about the small tree, if anything it maybe could be even smaller, it gives a nice sense of how big the monument is :slight_smile:

@Ace: Lighten up!

Thank you VickyM72!
Yeah, the small tree, a couple of meters IIRC, it actually doesn’t have much ground where to grow up, but I needed it there.


Ace, it looks a lot more like Nixon to me than a generic “rich man”, who could be taken to represent criminality in the executive branch (therefore the cracked Rushmore), which is by no means an irrelevant topic today. Maybe you should take your half-baked neoliberal reactions to a political forum as well.

Paolo, great job on this. Love him or hate him, ole tricky dick had great unique features that you brought out wonderfully in this sculpture.

Thank you very much, harleynut97!

Personally, for the sake of rendering him, I had to ‘love’ him, at least for a while, LoL


Nice rendition of Nixon. I was just thinking it would have been funny if that was a portrait of Gorbachev. It would have gone with the crack nicely, even though technically the crack would need to be on the other side to be accurate.

Thanks Dbugged!
I’m not sure to understand correctly about the side of the crack for Gorby, I can have several interpretations… after all, he cracked on the left!
Otherwise the Rushmore would not be the most appropriate for him, a cracked wall would be better.


I was only meaning the birth mark on Gorby’s forehead. The crack would be a good way to depict that. Just my silly idea :slight_smile:

Great job on the sculpting!

Not so silly to me because I also thought to that feature, but I watched a photo of him and he had it on left side, now looking again I see that that photo was specular inverted, LoL
Yeah, nice idea!

Thank you Dbugged,

Im not sure that this is just a “portrait” LOL … but anyway its excellently done and thats what matters most. Good likeness, nicely lighted scene and good textures/material … only there could be some more vegetation ( imo ). Damn nice piece sourvinos :slight_smile:

thank you for the positive judgements, it is in this sense that I posted this image here, to get feedbacks and suggestions from all of you, and I accept any critic for what I did, and for whatever meaning that image could suggest.
For sure my vision was not impartial about the subject, but it was rather my vision about the person, than a political act in my aims; too late I realized that portraying the person I was invading political fields and suggest ideas that I have not; quite stupid, I know.
So respect all the critics and apologize.

As for the scene, I find the lighting a bit soft/boring, I don’t agree about vegetation, it does its job for me, a visual element, as the eagle…:evilgrin:
