Craig's 2d painting in Blender

I’ve been on the fence for a while about getting a copy of substance painter, but the stuff you’re posting is pretty cool. Could you repost your last demo vid with the audio louder (if you have time)?

You have to wait for the update before you see the effect if you are painting in a regular draw window and then watching a render window.

I will re-mux with the sound channel turned up and reload to youtube, might be a different link probably. I’ll provide it here once I am done.

Very cool explanation. Thanks Craig.

You’re welcome. I think that using the Material Draw mode is the best solution if not using internal material texture stack and GLSL for feedback.

I also whipped up another on baking AO to get a stencil… but after I was done. I then realized that I can also paint strokes in Grease Pencil on surface, and convert to curves - bevel to taste, and then you have cracks if also baked to the AO shadows…

You wonder now that the big game engines have gone free if more realtime BGE development might be directed towards painting and realtime GPU physics/particles painting. The grease pencil hack looks interesting.

What gp hack is that?

There is the Surface setting in the N panel, and also set to Surface in the T panel… then after drawing, convert to curve beziers - select, and then in curve properties, fill full and bevel to taste. I am uploading a vid now.

Here you go

These are great Craig! You have an amazing talent!

Thanks, but more accurately a long time practicing under my belt

The GP trick is really neat, but the particles to weight paint seems overly complicated (not you but Blender), I guess thats in keeping with the rest of the painting tool methods :wink:

I use several systems with different particle groups and it works pretty easily - but that is why I built the layout with the extra properties panel :smiley:

Yeah I find myself splitting out new duplicate panels quite a lot, I wish there was a simple way of discriminating between them. Like colouring nodes in the compositor. But you can’t color individual panels.

Yet… but we have some interesting stuff coming, so maybe later we could. Ever hopeful.

more #b3dpaint for fun


Played with the smaller ships for a bit too

Wow! I’m just now running across this…
This is fantasicly great stuff here Mr. Jones!
Thanks for the all the effort you have put into this…
many thumbs up there guy!

Thanks! I’m having fun and hoping someday to be able to give back as much as I have received :smiley:

Really cool new feature with Cavity Masking combined with AO in Viewport FX


Really cool new feature with Cavity Masking combined with AO in Viewport FX

I just discovered this too! looks really cool…

this guy gave a tutorial on it…