Crashed helicopter

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Any comments or crits would be welcome!

N.B. I already know the helicopter is floating sightly off the ground

Really? I couldn’t tell…

It’s awesome! I just love the rusting effect. Nice Work! :slight_smile:

First of all, make the windows broken, cracked, and/or shattered. Secondly, the rust should be toned down; Only things at the bottom of the sea rust like that. Thirdly, add some dirt to the crevices and a layer of sand/dust to the tops of the surfaces. Also, some displacement in the ground would look good; The way you have it now makes it look like the helicopter hit a completely solid surface. The ground texture is good, but you should tone down the contrast and add some normal and displacement maps to the cracked earth.

it’s looking pretty darn good already. i would agree with what therealnoz said for the most part. more broken glass with more transparency i think so we can see the interior more. maybe warn and torn pilot chair with a corpse? also one thing that for some reason is really sticking out to me is the propeller mounting. the one facing the camera is just a solid cylinder. something about that sticks out to me with the rest of the amazing detail you’ve already put into it.

-Better earth
-Added displacement map to earth
-Toned down rust (not a huge amount as It seemed better this way)
-Added seats
-Added broken tail boom
-Better propeller mount
-Added dirtier glass
-Rotor blades are now rusted

Maybye you should unwrap those textures because, there is stretched points in front parts of your helicopter.
Some more details to the backround would make this photo/scene even more cool, now its looks like a plane where you have put helicopter. It would be cool if you add some little pieces of metal to the ground, near the broken tail. Your glass is too thin, add little bit more width to it! :wink:

Looks really great. I would agree with button, however, about those stretched textures on the front.

it’s really coming along nicely and the prop hub looks great now btw :slight_smile:

Nice job so far . The lightmapping on the rust seems to make it way to thick almost like sun baked mud splats.

I agree with shaderbytes, the rust seems waaaaaaaaaaaaay to thick.
Also theres some texture stretching on that circle thing near the windows.

-Removed texture stretching at the nose
-Added thicker glass
-Added boom struts in broken tail
-Improved rotor blade shader
-Rendered at 500 samples instead of 100

I would ton down the rust more, and add some displacement to the ground, where the helicopter hit it. the cracks in the ground look o big to me, I would make them smaller, and add more sand and dirt on the helicopter.

But that is only what i would do :slight_smile:

Nice work! keep it up!

I actually see no change in the stretching.

A few more updates
-Better textures
-As little rust as is now possible

This is a very creative and imaginitive scene. The only suggestion I have is turn down the bump map on the rust. It is way too thick. If you think about it, the scene is a dry desert-like setting, so there’s little moisture, so very little rust would form. Also, helo’s have an aluminum skin which doesn’t rust at all!

You might want to swap out the rust for scratched metal, or a fire-smoke-burned type of texture. Good Luck!

Great, maybe add some fire or some smoke…

I think the vignette is too strong. It makes the entire scene seem kinda claustrophobic. But other than that it looks awesome.

With even less rust, and less of a vignette, as far as I would say this is almost ready for finished projects?

I still think it looks great! :smiley:

Much better! But I think the bump map for the rust is a little too harsh…