Crashed helicopter

A Helicopter Crashed in the desert…

Rendered in cycles - 350 passes.
Based on my Mi-24D hind model
Please comment and rate!



I love everything but the bland sky. Top notch work.

Love it. Nice work. It might look even better if you put a sun or something in the background and gave it a solar flare.

It looks great indeed!
Just one thing: I think the cracked ground texture is sized too big.
In nature, these cracks are way smaller

I like it. A couple things stand out though. I feel like there should be some indication that the helicopter hit the ground. The ground looks like it was gently placed there. It also almost has that miniature feel. What focal length on the camera out of curiosity?

Your heli model is nice and full of detail. Also, you have an excellent rust material there. But, it’s too homogeneous. Every part of the chopper has rusted in the same way, Which seldom happens in real life. Also maybe the chopper doesn’t look like it has crashed, because although there are broken off pieces, they look that someone unscrewed the bolts and disassembled the parts, not that they have broken off violently.

good point - I sort of ditched this project at the very end to start on a work for the blenderguru competition and record some tutorials - Do you have any suggestions for getting it to look a bit more violent?

Hmm… maybe I’d think how the crash effects the surfaces and parts of the heli. Like, if the fuselage hits the ground, it will bend, get scratches and other signs of damage, panels flying off (revealing the structure below), etc. And now that some time has passed from the crash, maybe the damaged parts will start to rust first?
And if a wing breaks off, it doesn’t break off clean, it is torn off and leaves an uneven, maybe jagged and damaged edge.
The crash might also affect the ground, forming a small crater, or if there has been a fire, affecting the plants at the wreck site…stuff like that.
I’m not saying that your image needs to have all this stuff, I’m just thinking aloud.
Aand maybe reference images are an easy way out in advice-giving :slight_smile:

I agree whit zagupi , And I wisch that the community reply’s like zanupi whit a nice explanation and pictures . :wink:
The Squidifee you are a lucky guy .

Awesome job! I think it would be cool if you had some of the shards of glass laying on the ground beside the helicopter :wink:

Ah, finally, fixed UV mapping. =) Looks great man, though I agree that the sky should be less monotonous.

I play a bit with colors to show you how i see such pictrues or, just this one. so i spend 2 minutes in photoshop and hear is my, option how i see that…

I loved watching this progress from your WIP to it’s finish. amazing job on it. :slight_smile: