hi, how can I do this: I need a cylinder which consists of a grid as surface. (see atachment, so that it looks like a wireframe, but is a solid object, because I would like to print it with a 3d Printer.) To show you how the grid should look like, I created it with two Array-modifiers. And this grid should be around a cone. Is there something similar to the array-modifier, to create a cone?
Many ways, depending on what the features should be. One straightforward way to start is to create a cone, subdivide the vertical edges, and then add wireframe modifier. Another is to
- Create a high resolution cone. I created one with #holes * #faces/hole. I wanted to mirror it so I chose even number of faces, 42 holes * 6 faces = 252 vertices
- subdivided vertical edges
- chose 3 vertical face loops, duplicated, and separated to its own object
- deleted faces, mirror modifier
- array modifier with empty helper. Rotated the empty 360/42 degrees, adjusted merge values for mirror and array
- solidify modifier
Whatever the way, you have to make sure that the cone tip doesn’t get self-intersecting faces.
And similar, except this one has holes that are kept more or less square all the way to the top, even wire width, until it gets too crowded at the top
Done by repeating extrusions towards the 3d cursor, and beveled selected edges to get the wires.