Create path for the camera using given coordinates

Hi to everybody,

I’m new to blender and I would like to ask you help to create a curve for the camera to follow.
My coordinates are in the following format:

-337.324703 725.403116 -1.537737
-337.324703 725.403116 -1.537737
-337.324703 725.403116 -1.537737
-337.324703 725.403116 -1.537737
-337.324703 725.403116 -1.537736
-337.324703 725.403116 -1.537734
-337.324703 725.403116 -1.537730
-337.324703 725.403116 -1.537724
-337.324703 725.403115 -1.537714
-337.324703 725.403115 -1.537701
… … …
… … …

being respectively the x, y and z coordinates. Any suggestion?

Create a curve. Subdivide/extrude as many points as you need. Select each one in Edit mode press g and an axis and enter the coordinates. Tedious I know…
Welcome to BA btw.

there are script to read data like that and create a mesh
then convert to curve path !

ask in python forum

happy bl

I have a lot of points, I cannot do this manually.

Thank you for your welcome and for your answer :grinning:

I’ll definitely ask around.
Thank you