Create restraint for handwriting object

I am aware that this is a very basic question. All I want to do is to create a follow path restraint for this handwriting mesh. I suspect that the mesh is somewhat faulty because the resulting path is very erratic. Can you help?

I’m on Blender 2.93.1
System info: Windows 10 pro

Select your Text and Shift+select your Curve, Hit P for Parent, and set it to Path Constraint…

You don’t need this for it to follow a path, just select your Text and add a Curve Modifier, select the proper axis, and the curve object in the modifier…it will follow the path…
Make sure to subdivide your Text Curve and your Path Curve for better results…as well as curve settings for the text, increase the Resolution in the curve shape as well as the Bevel.

I am assuming your handwriting is using the Curve Pen Tool and you are writing on screen…
My handwriting was a bit slanted so I didn’t get the best results, I usually prefer to use a hand-writing font to get a cleaner text… both ways are prone to distortions in the curve text if the path is too angular or too small…

Note: If you use a text object there is already a Text on Curve option…all you have to do is select the curve …and you also get far better results…

Sorry, this is not what I have done. See attached file

Handwriting test.blend (539.3 KB)

Or at least it doesn’t solve the problem

All letters should be connected in one line.

Or you have to give the animation key from where it’s separated. (See video)

※ Start & End Mapping enables animation where lines are created.


(Invalid forward/back swaps will be changed by selecting Segments → Switch Direction on the top menu.)

You can use the geometry node in other ways

Sorry RSEhlers, I replied to you by mistake.

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A few things to do with your file.

Your animation starts at the end of the writing and ends at the beginning.
Select your curve and In edit mode select all (A key) and in the segment Menu - Switch direction.

Then go to the first frame and in object mode place your circle at the starting point of the P.

Now the circle should follow the curve until the first break. (the o)

If you want it to continue until the end of the curve you have to make the curve “continuous”. As Kim says.
To do this you will have to select the last vert of the first segment and the first vert of the next segment, then hit F to link them.

You can subdivide the new segment and move the Verts to to follow the o shape.

Then do the same for the next “break” (the next “o”)


Super! Got it! So now to the next problem. I cant seem to be able to render anything other than black

Your file has no light in it, you have to add a light to illuminate the scene.

Also curves do not render unless they have some “thickness” You need to either extrude the curve or bevel it. (in the curve properties).