Create your own iPhone in Blender!

Hey guys!

Learn how to Hard Surface model an iPhone in Blender! This in-depth easy tutorial is full of tips and tricks on how to craft your own smart phone! Part 2 coming soon!

Steve (CG Geek)

Amazing tutorial! Was a bit hard to follow some times, but overall it was a very good tutorial. I’m looking forward for the next part.

Part 2 is up! Discover how to render and add simple realistic materials to your smartphone!

Thank you!

Could you make next tutorial how to make stampunk mech

Seriously, i don’t think someone is going to spend close to month making such a specific tutorial for free!

That’s a really awesome but easy to follow tutorial, thanks a lot for sharing to us. Good job!

Can I make long-distant calls with that iPhone?

Ok, CGeek was doing quite long and detailed tutorials so I thought he would want to do this. Maybe even a small-detailed one.

Point taken.

I watched both tutorials which you shared and I learnt many things from these videos. In first part, it delivered best tips of how to craft the mobile phone. In second part, it provides best tricks about how to enhance simple realistic material in the cell phone.