Is there any way to cut a part and make a curve as shown here?
Right now I’m just extruding and moving things around, looks ok but a little wierd.
Is there any way to cut a part and make a curve as shown here?
Right now I’m just extruding and moving things around, looks ok but a little wierd.
Not at the click of a button. Things to consider:
Use curve object to make the curve
Make a guide object and cut out shape with boolean modifier or knife project
Use the knife tool (K) to cut it
Convert the grease pencil strokes to a curve (grease pencil properties panel) and then convert to a mesh (Alt+C)
I new to Blender so i’m not so sure how…
This is something quick I did with the knife tool, it’s not very efficient I guess what you tried to explain to make is better.
You can make element shaped like this using BSufraces addon (File->User Preferences->Addons TAB->type Bsurfaces and activate it and “save changes” )
2.When You have minimum two curves You can use Bsurfaces
Watch some tutorials on how to use this addon