Hey all,
I wanted to know if there was anyone that could show me how to make this ring:
Thanks for all the help!
Hey all,
I wanted to know if there was anyone that could show me how to make this ring:
Thanks for all the help!
Hey Blutag,
Thanks for the reply. I tried it and I still can’t get a round cut like the drawing. Also tried the subdivision surface modifier but I can’t get the roundness around the edges I’m looking for. All I got is this:
How about this:
It’s possible to adjust most parameters procedurally this way. As long as you pay attention to directions and don’t mess up scales and rotations, it should be a breeze. Have fun.
Beautiful breakdown! I was going to suggest pretty much the same workflow, with the added usage of the Solidfy’s generated vertex groups in conjunction with the Warp modifier to control outer and inner bulge.
My way:
Add a plane and subdivide it odd number of times followed by an empty as shown below
Ooh, I would like to see an example - never used a Warp before…
It’s probably possible to use Cast or Displace for the same purpose (though in somewhat inelegant way).
Sure thing: custom_ring.blend (121.6 KB)
By scaling the Bulge Empty in XY plane you can control the bulge; by moving its parent Empty you can shift the center of the bulge (e.g. moving down will make the ring bulkier at the bottom and narrower at the top; by moving on Y axis you can e.g. thicken the back and make the front thinner).
Sorry, what is a vertical edge?
Just an edge (two connected vertices) that lays on Z-axis (that black line in the first screenshot).
Thanks for doing that. I was wondering, would you like to start a 3d printed ring business with me?