Creating a grayscale map from a Model

Greetings folks!

I hope this is the right forum for this post.

I have a question of how to create a grayscale map from my 3D models I have created in Blender. Here is the reason why… Our school has a CNC router that can take grayscale images and use them as a means of carving witht he router.


Most of the sites with these type of grayscale images are pay sites. I would like to be able to create these type files from my own models and save the hassle.

Does anyone know of a program or script that can be used in coordination with blender that would allow me to turn out images that are similar to use with my CNC?

I hope this makes sense… hyelp me out…



Here is another example…

I understand how to create bump maps for models… but how could one do this in reverse and make a bump FROM a model???


well a bump normal or heigth map is not a mesh it’s only a texture!

do you want to create a mesh from a texture ?

try with displacement modifier
which will create a new mesh from the texture!
may be that can work!

if you already have your 3D model why do you need to createa a map ?
i mean the CNC needs a model not a 2D or UV map which is only a texture?

thanks happy 2.5


I have the model… but to convert the model to the CNC machine requires a completely different program which is expensive. It converts the model to a toolpaths which I can them import and use…

HOWEVER, I can use a height map like the grayscale pug face above and do the same trick without need of converting etc. So that is why I am trying to accomplish it this way…

Hope that makes sense…

I am trying to be cheap and find a work around :stuck_out_tongue:


if i understand you correctly you just have to bake the displacement map. just add a plane at an appropriate distance from your model (which - i think - has to be uv unwrapped), select the plane first, then your model and make sure you check “selected to active” in the render panel and hit bake.

i’m interested in better understanding this process from model to CNC !

sorry never seen this term grayscale ?

can you explain what this is ?

i remember that there are program that can use a 3D model then transform this into a file compatible with CNC

but never using a greyscale !

if you want to make a heightmap in blender

but not vey flexible yet in blender
and difficult to adjust in a way but it works better then bump or normal map!

is this what your looking for ?


maybe you can use the
to create such an image. Would work with some
adjustment, but if you use some kind of
nearly flat image (like the bar-sign)
you have to adjust the limits for the mist
to only use this small height-difference of the bar-sign.

the sample uses the suzanne-monkey, but this is really
an object with big height differences - from nose to ears…


You can speed read this thread and see what I am trying to create…


It looks like you could just render a Z pass using an orthographic camera.

got a setup or a tute on how to do that?


does this z pass gives a real mesh or just a texture?


just a image…

Like this:

This is my Halo:ODST helmet… the reason I wanted to learn this process was so that I could take images and make z passes to use in CNC router mill like so:

Hope that makes sense to everyone now…


then post your helmet blend-file here
if you dont get the setup from the example-blend( i posted above ).

Nope… I got it! That is why I posted the images.

The first is the output from Blender with my helmet… The second is the output from my CNC machine… Cut time was about 2 hours… I’ll post images of the final project a lil later this week. But it worked stellar!



can you explain the process with some details

and what did you sue the Z pass image which your rendered then use to feed the CNC machine

i tough you need some sort of 3D model to do that!



Sorry for the late reply… to answer your question, This was a approach I was putting together for group that had a software called Photocarve. It uses flat vector based images to carve using a SNS router. So what we were doing was using the model in blender to create the image that we would later use in the router software…

Here is the write-up on it:

Give that a read and see if the process makes sense to you…


this can become a great tut for people interested in making aa CNC model from blender

sorry but i’m still a little confuse with all the different approches here

i tought you needed a real 3D model to transfert to the CNC machine!

if you use the node set up you get an image in the render but this is not a real 3D model ohly a 2D picture!

now as i’v indicated you can make a real 3D model with greyscale or height map in blender
and this gives you a real 3D model

so how can you use the node rendered output which is basically a 2D picture to go to the CNC machine ?

i tough you needed a real 3D model to transfert to the CNC machine
which is what i think you ask in first post with the greyscale map which happen to be in blender what we call a heightmap!

do you ahve a copy of this file you use with node set up
that might help to understand

thanks and appreciate your comments
and i’m learning here

would this be the same process for printing in 3D may be?
by the way is this photocarve and a free soft?
and is this SNS or CNC machine and wha’t the difference here ?

The different approaches on my website show how to use Blender with ALL 3 of Vectric’s main softwares – Photocarve, Vcarve, and Cut3D. they just show different was to get results from the software using Blender as a starting point…

Vectric software package Vcarve (vector carve) and Photocarve are NOT designed to use 3D models… ONLY 2D vector art for carving. that is why I was using Blender with the Height maps with my models to get a 2D design. The rendered image is taken from Blender then imported into their software which interprets the depths by grey scale and carves…

If I was using Vectric’s top end product, 3dCut then I could use blendr 3D models easily… but we don’t have the money to afford that… so I make due with what we have :slight_smile: Never tried 3D printing… but would be cool to see!


thanks for explanations!

so you did not need a real 3D model only a 2D grayscale for this then the external soft was able to make it 3D

never heard about this way to make it to 3D which is interesting!

have you been able to make the physical real model
can you show pictures of it !


happy 2.5

Is there an undated method to this. This thread is from 8 years ago. I am looking to do same thing as original post. Turn 3d model into grayscale from blender so my cnc program can turn that grayscale into a 2d model to be cut out from machine.