Creating a hedge in Blender


so due to my new job I started to work with blender a few months ago.
My current task is to create a hedge within the range of 2k-4k polygons in Blender for Twinmotion.
I’m struggeling with this task due to my lack of modeling vegetations in general since I’ve never had put my hands on that. If there’s any good advice that get me through that task that’d be pretty helpful. Things I’ve done so far:

  • Using Sapling Tree Gen to create a small bush and separate leaves to align with the shape of a hedge.
  • Creating a cube and using particle system to render from object (made a plane for that and added an alpha texture for the leaves/branches)
  • adding vertex normals from a sphere to that mesh to avoid the black backculling faces of the leaf planes.

If there’s any improvement you’d add to the recent steps I’ve done or even any different steps you’d prefer more likely you’re more than welcome to leave your comment.
If this is the wrong section, forgive me.

Best regards,

How to create 16 plants low poly in 6 minutes

Easy Geometry Nodes PLANTS - Blender 3.0
Download this Blender file here:

Natural Set

Plant Models

MifthTools Addon