I’ve been playing with this object on and off for a week now, trying to come at it with different methodology, but I can’t get it to look good. The object in question is a lab “boss”…
This is just an example I’m not aiming for something that looks exactly the same, essentially I want half of that object, tailing off into a pole thus…
The other end of the pole will just be a mirror image of this end. But it’s not happening, I think I’ve been looking at and altering it so much I don’t know what I want to do with it anymore. Maybe a molded piece of metal, or the part where the pole connects to be “welded”.
I guess I’m looking for some ideas, I can be flexible, I just want it to look natural. I was able to go from a cylindrical object into a flat edged one easy enough, but “merging” the object back into a cylindrical one isn’t so easy. Perhaps it should be more than one object, but then how do I merge them so they look as one?