Hi, and thanks for taking the time to read my post,
I’m currently modeling a scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey and need to create a “ribbed” surface on certain areas of the astronaut’s suits. The picture says it all:
As you can see, not all parts of the suit have a ribbed surface. I’ve created a mesh by shrinkwrapping a body and cleaning it up by hand. I’ve also defined all the areas that need to be ripped as a vertex group, if that’s good for anything. I really don’t have any idea how to proceed from here other than making each rib by hand, which would be prone to unevenness.
you could do an ok job by using a normals map. it wouldn’t look quite right around the edges, but other methods would require a fairly dense mesh to be made.
lol had to o back an re read title but got a smile from me too
I’d agree with Modron, a map is the way to go for ease and a nice mesh, although if I “had” to model it I’d look at arrays and curve modifiers(and a good supply of asprin)
Intention was to use Bsurfaces to lay out mesh on top of the existing one. For this you need grease pencil to draw on surface, and existing mesh. Here, creating a plane and removing all the vertices.
Vertical lines drawn on basemesh surface.
Bsurfaces tools are on the tool shelf. Pressed ‘add surface’ and adjusted the number of cross sections.
Vertical edges selected, reduced selection to select every 3rd edge (select menu -> checker deselect), scaled with pivot set to individual origins. Same thing on the other side.
Connected those vertices that were scaled close to each other with remove doubles, increasing the threshold
Converted triangle ends to quads (selected similar, hit F)
Then selected edges between with ring select and scaled edges closer to each other
Scaling center edge loops to make the ends warp the quad (it’s going to be an n-gon that needs to be triangulated and that doesn’t connect correct vertices unless editing those faces)
Beveled the center edge loops
Selected end n-gons
and triangulated them. Then extruded the leftmost vertical edge inwards, then extruded it back on top of the surface (with face snapping on to the surface. snapping onto itself disabled) making it look like a seam.
I also selected the triangle faces with ‘select faces by sides’ in select menu, and changed vertex count to equal 3, then converted those triangles to quads with alt+j.