Creating a softbody from two cubes

I’m new to blender and wanted to create my own version of the honeyblock from minecraft and simply drop it on a plane for an animation.

The way I made the honeyblock is by encasing the original textured honeyblock by a larger transparent cube. I want to animate the block in it’s entirity, following the same pattern (as if it’s just one block). And because I think of the block being squishy, I want to do this using a soft body. However when I try this, the smaller cube just falls out of the larger one, and even if I join the two, the smaller cube bounces differently when they hit the ground, which looks really bad.

Is there a way to have the two cubes behave as one when using soft body animation?

I hope my description is not too vague. and much thanks in advance!

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there are probably better and more correct ways to solve this, but if you like lazy solutions like myself - just export the big one as an alembic, re-import and put a negative displace modifier on it (along with the orange shader).


It’s a little vague :slight_smile: That’s okay though.

So if you just want the outer cube to follow the deformation of the inner cube, separate it to a new object and give it a surface deform modifier targeting the inner cube object. That will translate the exact deformation (more or less) that your inner cube is experiencing onto the outer cube.

If you want them to kinda both deform independently, just not as independently as you’re getting, the important thing is to realize that soft body physics works by applying forces through edges. So you can create edges between verts to create forces between them. If you just create edges between the corresponding verts on your inner and outer cubes, you’ll immediately see a difference in the behavior of the soft body.

Now, if you do that, it’s going to screw up your normals. You can create custom normals for your object. But what I always do, just as a matter of habit, is separate my rendering objects from my physics objects. In this case, I might have one copy of the structure, with soft body physics and edges that screw up the normals, with rendering disabled, and then another copy of the object, without physics or edges, that inherits the physics via a surface deform modifier, which is the object that I actually render.