Creating an interior of my building

Hey all! So I’ve created basic layout for my coffee bar building I’m trying to make:

I want to make a simple interior inside of the building. What would be the best way to do it: start to cut off parts of the faces and create interior part in the same mesh as the building, or another mesh which would be placed inside of the building once I remove the space for it?

My plan is to create a space for the coffee bar itself which would have small room in some corner which would led to a staircase to the rooftop.
Could anyone please give me some suggestions?

I would start by creating an interior mesh, inverting the normals and then cutting it in a way where you can create the windows through the use of the bridge tool (if the window edges are misaligned, flatten them with the scale tool).

To note on the scaling, you can set the manipulation mode to individual centers so you can do many faces at one.

So you mean like doing this?

So I can now edit the interior of the building and when I’m done place it inside of the building?

Thanks for the tips Ace!
I have one more question. I want to edit my interior mesh but in a way so I can’t select parts of the exterior mesh so I don’t mess it up. Should I go into object mode and add another object which will be my interior mesh and then when I’m done join them together or there is some way in which I can do it with the same object?

I want to edit my interior mesh but in a way so I can’t select parts of the exterior mesh so I don’t mess it up. Should I go into object mode and add another object which will be my interior mesh and then when I’m done join them together or there is some way in which I can do it with the same object?
Various options
Have a different object for exterior and interior.
If you want them to be the same object you can hide selected parts of the mesh with shortcut H
You can add vertices to vertex groups to then be able to turn on/off the visibility of these selections with the mask modifier.

The simplest way is the first, different objects.

Or just use ‘L’ key to select all linked faces within the interior object and deselect the faces you don’t want.

But if you’re going to work with only a few faces at a time, then you might just simply select them by old-fashioned shift-clicking.

Thanks for the advices guys.