Creating Heightmap image in Blender

So basically I already have ideas on how to make quick terrain in realtime BGE.
But I wanna do it in blender on how to make heightmap or terrain map in blender.
So far as I know the Heightmap does work well in BGE but I wanna to know on how in some blender addons like Ant landscape do the magic work to generate terrain, which is using noise coordinate like an image.
If I can access the noise Image or even better the bpy function to works in real time game engine this will be the best than using external image, because its seamless into infinity (depend on ram of course :exploding_head:).

If you need access to noise textures, use the mathematics module and the generated noise texture provided in the documentation - how do I get the offset? you need to select vertices and, depending on the type of your object, offset either only along the Z axis if you have a plane, or use the normal of each vertex if you have a sphere, control over the scale of the noise texture is carried out through its position variable, the strength or height depends on the additional variable by which you multiply the noise texture
for index in range(mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0)):
vertex = mesh.getVertex(0, index)

        pos = own.worldTransform * vertex.XYZ
        vertex.z = noise.hetero_terrain(pos//0,50, 1.0, 200.0, 8, 1.0) * 0.05

Thanks I will try this later because I’ve done the Heightmap works perfectly better in eevee but sadly not entirely added in BGE, I will add in the comment reply soon

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Ok - I will be waiting for your results.