Creating multi stage piston

Hello I would like to rig a piston with constraints.
This is easy if you want only one stage but is it possible to have a piston that extends multiple times. Till now i used the
track to constraint but now i’m clueless how to do this. Would be great if someone could help :)track to constraint but now i’m clueless how to do this. Would be great if someone could help :slight_smile:

Hey; You could use a ‘Copy Transforms’ constraint with each section having more/less influence than the next section.

Why are you doing it with Constraints? Armature with a single IK or Stretch To constraint is far easier.

Cheers, Clock.

Like this: :eyebrowlift:

Blend File: multi-piston.blend (456 KB)

Just press Play to see it working. :yes:

Cheers, Clock. :slight_smile:


I forgot to say “Welcome to BA!”.

Here is the ‘Copy Transforms’ constraint way, its just this easy…:yes:

^^ Yes, but can you rotate the whole assembly like it was linked to a tipper trailer - just as easily… I can just add a control bone as the tipper body and parent the operator bone to it, then I can rotate and move the whole rig anywhere I want to.

Not “dissing” your method BTW, but I find bones much easier for every situation, but I guess I know bones better than anything else.

Cheers, Clock.

PS what happened to the OP - has he fallen off the planet, or just forgotten to thank us for helping him…

Yes, you sure can, thats why I circled (in yellow) the LL cons. its set to ‘local space’.

Yes! I have built it since I posted last - nicely done Sir!

Cheer, Clock.