Creating particles in the cavity map?


is there a way to grow particles from a cavity map?
increasing and decreasing the amount of particles according to the opacity and size of the area filled by the cavity map ?


Hi there!

In theory, you can use any BW image as a density factor. Multipy it with a math node and plug it into the density input socket like in this example:

So, lets say you have a brick wall and you want to instance moss only there. It should do it (maybe tweak the map itself to be more contrasty if needed).

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Is there a way to choose the mesh angle where the particles will be joined? more concave or more convex?
it doesn’t have to be by the cavity map.

How can I make the particles appear like in the image below?


Click on the image to view .


Use dirty vertex colours, or ao to get some sort of cavity map…

plug into emission

bake to UV.

now use this map as a driver for yr particles.

Thank you for your help .

do you have tutorial?

thank you again

found a quicker way,

install tissue add on.
click curvature and adjust yr weight map. (you need to be in weight paint mode to access this tool (n-panel))

add particle system, select map in density slot.

setup yr particle system and reference a metaball.

Geonodes solution, cant get metaballs working with this yet though…

Thanks a lot for the help .

I wanted to do this from the image with particles in all the holes in the object. but more organic than the example below. (2.1 MB)

Here, have a geonodes file.

Is it possible to have this scheme for still images?
there is no need for animation.

in fact I couldn’t even use the file you sent.


I suppose yes, but that was not your original question…

The file must be unzipped.

What exactly doesn’t work? I made it in Blender 3.1.0 Beta.

I don’t know how to use the animation features.
my blender is 3.0.1

and also i want to use this scheme in still images.

Sorry for my mess .

you have helped a lot.
we are close to what I want, which is the image below.

thank you again .

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press i to insert a keyframe in a value box,

Im sure you can google the rest or head over to the Blender manual for animation…

I’m having good results with the first “particle” scheme you invented.
It’s not the best but it’s a great start.

if you know any way to select only the corners of the object, like the last image I sent, we would already be at 90% of the objective.


Im sorry, but that image tells me absolutely nothing about what you are trying to achieve.

I want to do heavy dirt with particles by selecting all corners of the object.
not just the cavities, all coherent areas for dirt accumulation.

if we can select this corner of the model, we can move on to the final part, which is the transition from large to small metaballs until we reach the clean parts.

understood ?

Something like this plus the cavity map?

this turns edges into curves, then points and the you can resample and use selections to mask what you dont want.

also means later we can instance metaballs on those points.