Creating Raised Text??

Is it possible to make text appear as though it’s trying to push through a cloth material, or cube surface? I can envision it but my limited experience in Blender can’t make it happen!

Here is the best example I could find:

Thanks to anyone taking the time to help with this!

A couple of options

Have a head model and use a shrinkwrap modifier on your text plane to take its shape
Subdivide the text plane and use a displace modifier and a face texture to deform it
Use the cloth simulation for the subdivided text plane and push a head model onto it

You could use a lattice or mesh deform modifier for additional deformations of the text plane

I’m having no luck with shrinkwrap or displace modifiers?? The text simply pokes through the plane, but does not give the effect of “pushing” or “pressing” against the surface plane.

Here’s the Blend - hope someone has time to help:

OK, I looked at it. You need a texture for the Displace modifier to work. So, type up “TEST” in an image editor (GIMP, Photoshop, etc), save it in B&W. Load that as a texture into the Displace modifier. Make sure you subdivide the cube enough for the texture to have an effect. The more subdivisions, the cleaner the displace will look. You’ll probably have to dial down the amount of the Displace modifier, too.

I ran a test on it myself. I typed “Test” in all caps in PS in black on a white BG. I added a slight Gaussian Blur to make the edges a bit smoother. I saved it as a JPEG, and applied it to a Displace modifier on a plane with 60 subdivisions. That still wasn’t enough, so I added a subsurf with 2 subdivisions. Hit the smooth button and adjusted the strength value to -0.05 and it looked great. If you want to animate it coming out of the plane, then animate the “strength” value of the Displace modifier.

Thanks, so much, InfantryRocks, for the quick reply and help. The missing B&W texture disclosed my learning curve, but I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to do so.

Merry Christmas!

Hi Merry Christmas

First - I’m a newbie so take My advice with a grain of salt…)

I downloaded Your Blendfile…There was no texture in it…If You wan’t to pack Your texture with the Blendfile You have to go - Menuline - File - External data - and tick the box - Automatically pack into Blend.

I tried Richard Marklew ShrinkWrap modifier advice…It’s here…I used Your’s Test as go through the plane hope the texture are in the Blenfile.

Addon - Modifier work best if the Mesh - scale / rotation Is right. = Ctrl - a

Every time You scale - rotate a object Outside the EDITOR You have to use Ctrl -a to get it back to normal scale - rotaion.

For the scrinkwrap modifiere to work a few thing need to be right…)

The test was a text object. Alt - c = Convert to mesh.

The plane needed to be more dense…I subdivided it 4 times I think.

Hmm…Couldn’t get the attachment’s to work…Noob You know…)
Hope I can get My link to work …hehe
