Creating sharp edges on whole bevel with bevel modifier

I want to create object edges unaffected by smooth shading in places where bevel modifier applies. It’s not a problem with “Mark sharp” when amount of segments equals 1, but with higher number it seems to apply smooth shading when threshold of angle of bevel is crossed (only outer edges of bevel stay unsmoothed).

I expected option “Mark sharp” under shading tab would solve the problem but apparently it works differently than name would imply.

Autosmooth with sharp edge and only one segment:
Autosmooth with sharp edge and more segments (outer edges visible as sharp):

I’m aware that it’s possible to circumvent this by applying bevel modifier twice but it works in inconvenient way if form is not primitive.

Is it possible to get sharp edges on whole bevel (and not only its verges) without tightly adjusting autosmooth angle?

Welcome :tada:

I’m not sure if i understadn this… smoothed along the circular form but not “over” the bevel tings like so ? :

Then this is an distructive bevel with also splitting the rings…

There is also a way to use the EdgeSplit modifier.

@Okidoki Yes, but let me specify the issue here:

I am creating shape from plane with subdivision and solidify modifier. And while I want to smooth shade vertical planes (red arrow), I want for bevel to stay unsmoothed (blue arrow). However, you can see here that edge on the corner (red) is still sharp even though bevel is not (blue) because of rather sharp angle of ridge.

Setting edges of plane with “mark sharp” keeps them unsmoothed but only on the outer rim of bevel (yellow arrow). I want to keep whole bevel sharp so all of its 4 faces are distinct.

@oo_1942 Glad to learn about this modifier but it seems like it’s combining part of functionality of both “Shade auto smooth” and “Mark sharp” of Bevel modifier so it’s not really solving my issue here (interestingly enough, blender documentation describes it as "kept mostly for historical/compatibility reasons).

The difficulty here is… youwant it smooth in one direction and not in the other… so manual splitting seems to be the “easiest” method… (maybe with geometry nodes magic).

Set your Bevel Weight and Mean Crease
Don’t use Shade Smooth use Auto Smooth

@Okidoki So from my understanding there is no simple way to achieve aforementioned effect (except for destructive method of applying modifiers and then marking bevel edges as sharp)? I’m pretty much a novice so if you could elaborate on your idea with splitting, I would be grateful.

Moved them individually to show :