Creating Spiraled Rope

Hey, I’m wondering if anyone can give me some pointers on how to create a spiraled rope similar to what is pictured below, except more basic. I just need the two larger strands, not the many smaller ones that make up the bigger strands. If that makes sense.

Thanks for the help!

the screw function should do the trick.

Ya, the rope strand can be made easier with Blender 2.64:
Here I worked on one strand from hex profile using Spin modifier. You can control tightness of turn by adjusting “Screw” value over 360 degrees. I eyeballed approximate rope cross section angle. Once you get a good strand, duplicate strand [Shift][D] twice and rotate it along its axis 120, and –120 degrees:

I wander, did Blender kept “Twist” function? I cant find it.

Do you mean the “Simple Deform” modifier set to Twist ?
It’s in 2.6x too

No need for anything fancy. Add two circles next to one another, extrude up, add plenty of loop cuts, then use a simple deform twist. Done!

nothing fancy here, just hit the screw button over on the toolshelf


if you need to add a nice UV map then do only one or a few turns then do you UV unwrap with image

then use the array modifier !
