Creating stable UV map with Geometry Nodes


I’m trying to make a sword trail generator and it’s worked pretty well up to this point. I’ve tried as much as I can to make a stable UV map, which doesn’t look like it should be too hard but somehow is. Do y’all know a way to do it? Example of what I want it to look like included.

SwordTrailTest2.1.blend (1.2 MB)


If you use a grid primitive then you can just use its UVMap… it will always be (0,0) → (1,1)


Good luck.


Hi! Thanks for the swift reply.
This is very nice and I had something that shared the same principle before (except mine looked a lot clunkier), but then I realized I wanted to use this on custom shapes/ meshes as well. Mainly for a katana though, but a katana isn’t straight either.

The above example can be adapted for custom shapes. You need to have the Vertices Y count be the same as your custom shape’s “edge” and the modulo by the same amount. Vertices X then controls the trail length/frame delay.

Ok!! I’ll try that then. Thanks!

You can use the following method… Here I’m separating out a edge line and driving the whole thing off of that.

(The Edge line was defined as a vertex group “Trail”.)

Good luck!


Funny how, every time I ask for help here, I learn about at least 2 nodes I never knew existed before. Thanks again!

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