I’ve been working on a scene in which my character is speeding along on a motorcycle. I’ve set it up so that the cycle is animated along a path but I’m having trouble with a couple things. First, the playback is way too fast and I’m not sure how to change the speed along the path. Secondly (but related) the weaving back and forth to avoid obstacles is also happening too fast. Everything looks too jerky overall. Any one know any good tips on how to create the illusion of speed in such a setup? I’ve added blur in the compositor which helps but my main issue is the timing along the curve and back and forth motion.
“Animated along a path” your talking about changing the speed of a curve path. In curve settings there is Frames and evaluation time, just change the frames. What you really want to do is change this in the graph editor. You can control the speed so he slows in the curves. If you want to learn this and you do, message me and Ill write more about it as there are a few steps to convert the curve,
Other parts of the animation is jerky. Look at these in the graph editor. when you key a key, lets say rotation, blender ads a curve and it may not be just what you want. I often delete many keys that do not really need to be there. I adjust, move, reshape all my keys till they look more fluid in the graph editor. It makes everything better. A car hitting a immoveable object is the only thing I can think of at the moment that needs a sharp angle in the curve, in the graph editor. Not fixing things in the graph editor will make people look like robots "jerky’.
Oh and you said you added blur, howabout motion blur in render settings.
Thx for that! I’ll check on the evaluation settings. Hopefully that will help me slow everything down. I’ve tried motion blur in the render settings and I’ll probably do that in the final. For the test render s the blur node works ok tho. If I have trouble I may get in touch. Thx!
To slow everything put the frame to 1 and in graph editor with all keys selected press s for scale x for axis. or in the dope sheet.
I forgot I was long gone and thought of this. if your animation plays fast enough you can adjust the curve in real time. Set the time line a movement before and a movement after. Press play and adjust the curve as animation plays.
One thing I also forgot I use xyz Euler. I find the problem that happens with xyzEuler is seldom. I have never noticed it.